Project: Visualization Checkin



This assignment is completed through the class GitHub repo. You should have linked to the class GitHub repo via the link from the professor. If you have not done so, please do so now.

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In this assignment, you will create three graphs representing your data. You will create a bar graph, a histogram, and a scatter plot. One of the graphs should represent an aggregation of the data. One of the graphs should represent data from a column that you added by manipulating the data from existing columns. The other graph is up to you to decide what you want to represent.

These graphs must be meaningful to your data in some way. You cannot just represent the data randomly. For each graph, you should include an explanation of why you chose each graph for that type of data and what the graph tells you. For instance, why are you aggregating the data you are? Why did you choose the specific graph for that data? And what does it show you?