Project: Process Paper


Due Dec. 13

This assignment is completed through the class GitHub repo. You should have linked to the class GitHub repo via the link from the professor. If you have not done so, please do so now.

See the instructions for connecting to the GitHub Classroom

Once connected, you can access the assignment through Google Colab, or you can clone the repo to your local machine.

This process paper is a time for you to discuss the process you took personally to get to the final project. Why did you choose the data you chose? How well did it work for your question? Did you need (or want) to change your question as you evaluated your data more? What provided you with particular difficulties or struggles? How did you overcome those challenges? What parts were the easy parts?

This paper should be a minimum of 300 words. It should be turned in via a .ipynb file, so you can demonstrate some of the issues with code, or you can use it to show things you thought were particularly interesting, but might not have found their way into the final project.

Think of this as a reflection on the process you went through to get to the final project. You should be familiar with reflections at this point in your Queens career.