Final Essay

Data Literacy


For your final essay, you will come up with a hypothetical data solution to a question.

The essay should discuss the following issues:

  • What type of data will you use?
    • What is the data and why is it the best data to answer the question?
    • What are the limitations of the data?
  • How will you collect the data and why that way?
    • There can be multiple data sources for a single question.
    • Why are those sources optimal? How do they help you answer the question?
  • What are the ethical implications of collecting this data?
  • What type of data analysis will you do?
    • What tools will you use to do the analysis?

For more specifics, see the essay rubric.

These issues should not be discussed individually or as a list but included in a narrative format. When combined together, they will indicate that you have thought through the data solution and have a clear understanding of the data you are using and why you are using it. More importantly, it will demonstrate how your data will help you solve your problem successfully.


  1. 5 pages long.
  2. double-spaced.
  3. Written in a narrative format.
  4. The essay can only include