Rubric for Final Essay

Data Literacy

This rubric is used to grade the final essay in the Data Literacy course.

Grading Basis

  • Criteria:
    • Does the essay meet the minimum criteria?
  • Chosen Question:
    • Does the essay articulate a specific question pertinent to the student’s domain?
  • Data Collection:
    • Does the essay discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen solution of data analysis?
  • Data Analysis:
    • Does the essay discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen solution of data analysis?
  • Data Lifecycle:
    • Does the essay demonstrate a full understanding?
  • Ethics:
    • Does the essay discuss the ethical implications of the chosen solution?
  • Writing:
    • Is the essay written well, following the conventions of standard written English?


Criteria 1 pt. 2 pts. 3 pts. 4 pts.
Criteria The essay does not meet the minimum criteria N/A N/A The essay meets the minimum criteria
Chosen Question The essay lacks a clear question. The essay has a question, but it is not pertinent to the student’s domain or it is not clear how it will be resolved through data analysis. The essay includes a question that is resolvable via data analysis, but it either is not well articulated or it is not pertinent to the student’s domain. The essay includes a question that is resolvable via data analysis, is pertinent to the student’s domain, and is well articulated.
Data Collection The essay does not include a clear method for data collection The essay includes a method for data collection, but does not effectively justify the choice as a solution to the problem. The essay discusses how data will be collected and why that method was chosen, but leaves out important considerations. The essay discusses how data will be collected and why that method was chosen effectively.
Data Analysis Essay does not discuss how the data will be analyzed The essay only briefly discusses the way the data will be analyzed. The essay provides a complete discussion of how the data will be analyzed and why, but has some mistakes or lacks certain considerations. The essay provides an effective discussion of data analysis.
Ethics The essay does not consider the ethical implications of its data solution. The essay provides only a minimal discussion of the ethics surrounding their chosen methods that do not reflect the rubric provided in the class. The essay discusses the ethics of its chosen method, but does not include some important considerations. The essay discusses the ethical implications of their data effectively
Writing The essay is not organized well, and includes many errors. The essay is organized as a proper essay, but is poorly organized and includes numerous grammatical and writing mistakes. The essay has a few writing mistakes, but is otherwise written and organized effectively. The essay is well written with very few mistakes in organization, and grammar

Do not organize the essay around these criteria. Instead, use them as a guide to ensure that you have covered all the necessary components.

  • In other words, I should not read a subheading that says “Ethics” in the essay.

Grade Calculation

Point Total Grade
24 Point 100%
23 Point 96%
22 Point 92%
21 Point 88%
20 Point 83%
19 Point 79%
18 Point 75%
17 Point 71%
16 Point 67%
15 Point 62%
14 Point 58%
13 Point 54%
12 Point 50%
11 Point 46%
10 Point 42%
9 Point 38%
8 Point 33%
7 Point 29%
6 Point 25%
5 Point 21%
4 Point 17%
3 Point 12%
2 Point 8%
1 Point 4%