Essay 1

Data Literacy


Students will write an essay that makes an argument as to why one style of data collection is ideal for your domain. Why is this sort of data collection specifically useful for your domain? What are the strengths of this sort of data collection? What are the weaknesses of other types of data collection as they are applied to your domain? The essay should also include three use cases for how the data collection method could be used in your domain.


For more specifics, see the essay rubric.

You will turn in a rough draft on Canvas in the Essay 1—Rough Draft assignment. It will go through a process of peer review in class. The final draft will be turned in on Canvas in the Essay 1—Final Draft assignment. Check the course calendar for details.


  • Length: 3 pages
  • Includes 3 use cases relating to the data-collection method
  • Double spaced
  • Include name
  • Turn in a rough draft on Canvas in the Essay 1—Rough Draft assignment.