Rubric for Essays 1 & 2

Data Literacy

This rubric is used to grade the first two essays in the Data Literacy course.

Grading Basis

  • Criteria:
    • Does the essay meet the minimum criteria?
  • Chosen Solution:
    • Does the essay demonstrate a full understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the solution chosen and how they apply to the student’s domain?
  • Alternative methods:
    • Does the essay demonstrate a full understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of alternative methods as they apply to the student’s chosen domain and make a strong argument why they are not choosing them?
  • Use cases:
    • Does the essay articulate three use cases that are appropriately applied both to the method and the domain?
  • Writing:
    • Is the essay written well, following the conventions of standard written English, and organized as a formal essay?


Criteria 1 pt. 2 pts. 3 pts. 4 pts.
Criteria The essay does not meet the minimum criteria N/A N/A The essay meets the minimum criteria
Chosen Solution Shows limited understanding of the chosen solution Shows a fair understanding of the chosen solution but does not properly justify its use in the context of the student’s domain. The essay demonstrates a good understanding of the chosen solution, indicating its applicability to the student’s domain. The essay demonstrates a full understanding of the chosen solution including its limitations as it relates to the student’s domain.
Alternative Methods Essay does not discuss the pros or cons of alternative methods Essay discusses pros and cons in a very limited fashion Essay discusses the pros and cons of other methods. Essay discusses the pros and cons of other methods effectively while also making it clear why their use case remains most effective.
Use Cases Provides no use cases Provides too few use cases and they are not particularly applicable or they are not well justified. Provides enough use cases but they are not particularly applicable to the domain or not well justified. Provides at least three use cases. They apply to the domain and are well justified
Writing The essay is not organized well, and includes many errors. The essay is organized as a proper essay but contains numerous errors in grammar, organization, and construction. The essay is written well, but it has some grammatical or organizational problems. The essay is written very well with almost no errors in organization, writing, or grammar.

Grade Calculation

Points Received Grade
20 Point 100%
19 Point 95%
18 Point 90%
17 Point 85%
16 Point 80%
15 Point 75%
14 Point 70%
13 Point 65%
12 Point 60%
11 Point 55%
10 Point 50%
9 Point 45%
8 Point 40%
7 Point 35%
6 Point 30%
5 Point 25%
4 Point 20%
3 Point 15%
2 Point 10%
1 Point 05%