Week 8—Oct. 16-20

Modern Europe

Monday: The Industrial Revolution


  • John Merriman, “Industrial Revolution [Precondition Excerpts],” in A History of Modern Europe: The Renaissance To (New York: Yale University Press, 2010), 513-556. (on Zotero)


Wednesday: Consequences of Industrialism: Liberalism and Socialism


  • John Merriman, “Industrial Revolution [Consequences Excerpts],” in A History of Modern Europe: The Renaissance To (New York: Yale University Press, 2010), 556-566. (on Zotero)


Friday: Discussion #6


  • “Leeds Woollen Workers Petition, 1786,” Internet History Sourcebooks: Modern History, accessed July 21, 2023, https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1786machines.asp
  • “Letter from Leeds Cloth Merchants, 1791,” Internet History Sourcebooks: Modern History, accessed July 21, 2023, https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/1791machines.asp.
  • “Testimony Gathered by Ashley’s Mines Commission,” accessed July 21, 2023, https://victorianweb.org/history/ashley.html
  • “The Life of the Industrial Worker in Ninteenth-Century England,” accessed July 21, 2023, https://victorianweb.org/history/workers2.html.