Week 1

Modern Europe

Monday, Aug 28

Syllabus Day and Introductions

Presentation link: https://lectures.nathanmichalewicz.org/modern-europe/

Wednesday, Aug. 30: Renaissance I

Secondary Sources:

  • Nauert, “The Birth of Humanist Culture” in Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, 2nd ed. (New York: Cambridge University Press), 8-24. (on Zotero)

Presentation link: https://lectures.nathanmichalewicz.org/modern-europe/renaissance1

Friday, Sep. 1: Renaissance II

Secondary Sources:

  • Brotton, “A Global Renaissance” in The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford University Press), 1-12. (on Zotero)

Presentation link: https://lectures.nathanmichalewicz.org/modern-europe/renaissance2

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