Final Project

Digital History

Main Project

Each student will write a final paper that will answer a historical question of their choosing. The essay should be at least 2000 words. It should include two different methodologies from the course (database/Tableau, spatial history, text analysis) and 4 visualizations derived from those methods.

The paper should be posted to the student’s WordPress site. As a digital medium, it should follow the practices in writing for the web that we have discussed throughout this

Process Paper

Along with the final project, each student will post a process paper on their website that catalogs the process of producing the project itself. The process paper should describe the challenges or complications the student faced in organizing the data, creating the visualization, etc. The final project will be posted on their website.


The final project will be graded on the following criteria:

Criteria 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. 0 pts.
Thesis & Organization
Different Methods Uses two separate digital historical methods N/A Uses only one digital historical method Does not use digital historical methods
Method effectiveness Project uses BOTH methods effectively and the digital method drives historical research and thesis. Project uses only one of their method effectively to drive the thesis. The other method
Meets minimum requirements Meets the word count and visualization count N/A Meets the word count or the visualization count, but not both Meets neither the word count or visualization count
Process Paper