Week 4: Monday

Data Literacy

Datastores and Databases

What is a Datastore?

  • What do you think?
  • Any way to store data.
  • A CSV, a JSON file, a database, etc.

Examples of Simple Datastores

*The Great Gatsby*,F. Scott Fitzgerald,1925
*To Kill a Mockingbird*,Harper Lee,1960
*The Catcher in the Rye*,J.D. Salinger,1951
*The Grapes of Wrath*,John Steinbeck,1939

Examples of Simple Data stores, cont.

Title Author Year
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925
To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee 1960
The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger 1951
The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 1939

Examples of Simple Data stores, cont.

    "title": "The Great Gatsby",
    "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald",
    "year": 1925
    "title": "To Kill a Mockingbird",
    "author": "Harper Lee",
    "year": 1960,
    "title": "The Catcher in the Rye",
    "author": "J.D. Salinger",
    "year": 1951
    "title": "The Grapes of Wrath",
    "author": "John Steinbeck",
    "year": 1939

Problems with simple Data stores

  • Great thing about simple data stores are they are simple files.
  • But they are not great for:
    • Searching
    • Updating
    • etc.
  • TLDR: They don’t disaggregate the data.
  • We cannot combine complicated data.

Problems with simple Data stores, cont.

  • They show up in many places where they shouldn’t be.
  • Renault One F1 team used Excel to manage their parts & build data store: 77,000 lines of it.
  • Too many accidents waiting to happen.
  • No way to efficiently connect parts to builds without eliminating data.

Enter Databases

  • Oracle (MySql): “A database is an organized collection of structured data, typically stored electronically in a computer system.”
  • For this reason, some consider excel as a possible database.
  • Think of data as individual records of structured information.
  • Database == Collection of individual records.
  • CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete.

Database vs Excel Spreadsheet

  • Spreadsheet is a file.
  • CRUD operations update the file not individual records.
  • Database: CRUD operations only impact individual records.
  • Excel spreadsheets filter to show only certain records.
  • Databases retrieve individual records.

The Filing System—A Paper-Based Database

Filing system

Types of Databases

  • Relationsal Databases (SQL)
  • NoSQL Databases
    • Document-oriented databases
    • Graph Databases
    • Others (Key-Value, column-family, etc.) ← We won’t discuss these.

Relational Databases

  • SQL: Structured Query Language.
  • Tables: Rows and Columns.
  • Rows: Records.
  • Columns: Fields.
  • Joins: Combining tables.
  • Relational database == Collection of tables == Collection of records.
  • Fundamental rule: do not duplicate data (normalization).

Relational Databases, cont.

  • Represented similarly as a spreadsheet.
  • Table of parts:
id part company cost
1 Engine Renault 1000
2 Tires Pirelli 500
3 Wings Red Bull 2000

Relational Databases, Joins tables

Joining tables


  • NoSQL database.
  • Document-oriented database.
  • JSON-like documents (BSON).
  • No schema.
  • No joins.
  • No normalization.
  • Collections of BSON documents.
  • Fundamental rule: If it’s queried together, store it together.

MongoDB, cont.

Mongodb documents in a collection

MongoDB, cont.

  • Collection of Parts Documents:
  "part": "Engine",
  "company": "Renault",
  "cost": 1000
  "part": "Tires",
  "company": "Pirelli",
  "cost": 500
  "part": "Wings",
  "company": "Red Bull",
  "cost": 2000

Graph Databases (Neo4j)

  • Organizes based on nodes and edges.
  • Nodes: Labeled Entities (stores information).
  • Edges: Labeled Relationships (stores information).
  • No schema.
  • No joins.
  • No normalization.
  • Fundamental rule: (People) - [TRAVEL_TO] -> (Places).

Graph Databases, cont.

Graph database

Graph Databases, cont.

  • Great at recursive queries
  • Great at traversing relationships

Recursive query, explained

  • Employees table
id name manager_id
1 Alice null
2 Bob 1
3 Charlie 2
4 David 3
5 Eve 1
6 Frank 2
  • Find all employees who are a part of Bob’s team.

Recursive query, cont.

  • Graphs databases find this easily

G Alice 1: Alice Bob 2: Bob Alice->Bob Eve 5: Eve Alice->Eve Charlie 3: Charlie Bob->Charlie Frank 6: Frank Bob->Frank David 4: David Charlie->David

When to use Which?

Type Use Case
Relational Relational data (such as parts that go to a car)
MongoDB Unstructured data, flexibility, non-relational
Neo4j Relationships, traversing relationships, etc.

Connecting Databases

Using Multiple Databases

  • Frequently we mix databases and use them to cross reference one another.
  • For example, we might cross-reference census data with crime data.
  • Open Data

Public Databases

  • Census data is frequently cross-referenced with other data.
  • States keep official databases of the geography of the state (roads, borders, county lines etc.)
  • Counties keep databases of property ownership (Think Zoom).

Private Partnerships

  • Credit reporting agencies.
  • Whenever you agree to share your data with third-party partners.