Week 2: Wednesday

Data Literacy

Data Definitions, Catalogs, and Glossaries

Data Catalog

  • What is a data catalog?
  • Why is it important?
  • What are the key components?

Data Catalog

  • A technical solution that helps organizations manage their data assets
    • Where is specific kinds of data stored?
    • Who is responsible for it?
    • How is it used?
    • What is the storage types for the data?
    • Data models.

What is a Data Model

Name Date location
string string(YYYY-MM-DD) point(longitude,latitude )

Data Model Continued

  • GeoJSON Standard:
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]
      "properties": {
        "name": "Dinagat Islands"

We are not focused too much on the technical details

  • They shape how data is executed and deployed.
  • We are focused on the data definitions and how they shape the data we use.

Data Glossary

  • What separates a data catalog from a data glossary?
  • What is a data glossary?
  • Why is it critical?

Data Glossary

  • A data glossary is a collection of terms and definitions that are used in a particular domain of knowledge or data.
  • It is frequently included in a data catalog.
  • It is a way to standardize the language used in a particular domain.

Data Glossary Example

  • Data Definition: A data definition is a detailed description of the data that is stored in a data catalog.
  • Data Model: A data model is a visual representation of the data that is stored in a data catalog.

Data Definitions

  • Why are they important?
  • How do they shape the data we use?

Data Definitions, examples

  • What is a student? — Let’s say this is for a university database system.
  • What is middle class? — for an economic study.
  • What is a diplomat? — for a political science study.

Data definitions

  • How do these definitions shape our data?
  • How do these definitions shape how our users understand the data?

Group Work

  • Break into your domain groups.
  • Discuss the three terms in your domain that are significantly ambiguous and need a definition.
  • What are the different options for defining these terms?
  • What are the implications behind those options?
    • How would the different definitions impact data collection/analysis?