Week 3:

Data Literacy

Monday: Data Ethics with Dr. Mullis

Wednesday: Data Ethics with Dr. Mullis

Friday: Data Ethics workshop.

  • In Class as a domain group.
    • Choose a hypothetical dataset associated with your domain. Try to be creative here. For instance, if your domain is politics, you might consider a dataset of voter information.
    • Once you have decided on a dataset, apply the ethical considerations Dr. Mullis discussed on Monday and Wednesday for your dataset.
    • Specifically apply the FAT rubric.
    • Answer the following questions:
      1. Fairness: Could this data arbitrarily discriminate against any groups or be used to do so?
      2. Accountability: What are possible negative consequences related to the data, and how can you respond to them?
      3. Transparency: How would you explain the dataset to a user?
      4. Are there any values or assumptions embedded in the dataset? Could there be based on how it is collected, organized, or analyzed?
  • End of Class:
    • Present your findings to the class.
    • Do not present your findings as a list of answers to the questions above. Instead, present your findings as a narrative that explains the dataset, the ethical considerations, and the implications of those considerations. Weaved into that discussion should be the answers to the questions above.
    • Think of it as a short 3-minute presentation to a group of stakeholders.