Calculating Engagement


Students are expected to come to class every day prepared and ready to participate. This includes having completed the readings, having thought about the material, and being ready to engage in discussion. Engagement will be calculated on an F, C, B, and A scale. An F indicates you did not come to class and it receives no credit. A C (valued at a 75) indicates that you came to class, but were disruptive to class in some fashion—not on task, sleeping, talking to others, etc. A B (valued at an 85) is the default grade. It indicates you came to class, but you did not participate in the class discussion, nor were you distracting to the class. If you come to class prepared, you will receive a B for that day. An A (valued at 95) indicates you came to class prepared and participated in the discussion.

Each student is permitted two absences without penalty. These are no-questions-asked absences that will not count against your grade.

On Canvas, you will receive two grades that average together for your total engagement grade. You will receive a mid-term engagement grade, so you know your grade halfway through the class. Then you will receive a final engagement grade.